I won this doll on Ebay. I was looking for Asian dolls and she was listed as "Asian Jenny" I felt I was destined to have her because she was Asian like Abby and she was named Jenny like me. As the auction continued it became evident that someone else also really wanted her. The bidding reached $86.00 and then I started to second guess my self. I felt uncomfortable paying so much for a doll when I really needed to be saving money. She really did not look Asian plus the bidding jumped very quickly and I wondered if it was actually the seller out bidding me so that I would pay more. (I know that is not allowed but you never know...) There were still 2 more days left until the Auction ended so I figured I would sit tight and If I was out bid again then so be it. Well there were no more bids for her and I won her. She is a 1974 Fisher Price Lapsitter Doll named Jenny. I googled her and did not see any other references listed that indicated she was Asian. I received her this past Monday. She is in great shape. Her eyes are somewhat almond shaped but I don't necessarily think that makes her Asian. She also has freckles? So the verdict is still out. Anyway she is Abby's now and has a interesting story to go along with her.
I think Quackers likes her also. While I was Taking pictures of her she decided to jump in.
I was feeling sorry for myself today per yesterdays post. After work I decided a little retail therapy was in order. Look what I found in the Pretend section at Target! I have been looking for this Asian family since reading about them on one of my yahoo boards. Someone must have known I needed a pick me up because low and behold there they were waiting for me. The only ones left just for me! Only $19.99. A complete family including Grandparents. I will be saving them for Abby to play with once she is older.
And THANK YOU Aunt Laurie for the adorable additions to Abby's wardrobe! I can't wait to see them on her. They will go great with the pink ugg boots that you gave her. Love Ya!!
The wait for a referral from China appears to be lengthening. I received an update from my agency yesterday. Presently referrals are being issued in increments of 2 or 3 weeks worth of Log In Dates. They implied that one possible reason for the slowdown may be that there are currently more waiting adopters than available children for adoption. Historically the waiting times for referrals has varied from 6 months up to 18 months. I have no idea how long my wait will be but I know there are presently people who had a Log In date last May and have been told not to expect a referral this month. (They have already been waiting 10 months!) I really feel for them (and all of us!) it really stinks to be that close and yet so far away. I will continue to hang in there though and try to remember that Good Things Come To Those Who Wait.....
This is me with my mom at about 14 or 15 months. Mom actually made this Mei Tai and liked using it. She still has the pattern somewhere and hopefully will make one for Abby and I.
Back in December I posted a picture of a doll that my Mom had given me . She found the doll on ebay and said it was the same type of doll that I had as a child. Turns out that wasn't the doll although they were from the same doll family. The doll pictured above is (my MOM really thinks so) the same type of doll. She is a Madame Alexander doll named Puddin. Below I have a close up of her facial features. Aren't they sweet?
And below is a picture of me and Puddin. I had received her this day for my 3rd birthday. I have also posted some pictures of some pretty outfits given to Abby by Meema!
Thank you Meema, Love You and I know Abby will too!!!
Are these not the cutest things? 5 Bucks at Target! I hope they fit her. They look bigger then they actually are. (size 18 - 24 months) I like them because they have a velcro opening on the inside side making them easier to put on. And ....... below a cute swimmie! (also 5 Bucks)
Today marks month 2 that I have been logged in. The way things look right now I am thinking that I may get Abby's referral sometime in August then travel for her in October or November. Thats just a possibility though because nobody really knows the exact timeframe. Seems like it is constantly changing........
. To welcome and celebrate a new life, there is a tradition in the northern part of China to make a Bai Jia Bei, or 100 Good Wishes Quilt. It is a custom to invite 100 people to contribute a single square patch of cloth. The 100 patches are sewn together into a quilt that contains the luck, energy, and good wishes from all the families and friends who contributed a piece of fabric. The quilt is then passed down from generation to generation.
These are my quilt squares and wishes that I sent for my November DTC 100 Good Wishes fabric swap. ( My group decided to send 2 fabric squares along with our wishes ). If anyone would like to send me a wish and fabric square for Abby's quilt please e-mail me for the details!
I haven't checked on Tai Shan in a while. He has really grown. He is around 6 months of age and weighs around 25 pounds. The website says he is now comfortable enough to go off exploring on his own and has also climbed his first tree! These pictures were taken in December and were the most recent that I was able to find.
I had this nice surprise waiting for me on my doorstep this morning. My November DTC group (A yahoo group that I belong to along with a lot of other waiting parents who were also DTC in November) is having a monthly secret pal gift swap amd the theme this month is blankets. I love mine and the matching bibs. This is going to be a lot of fun and a fun way to help pass the waiting period.
Even better was the card my secret pal had enclosed along with my gift. It really helps put the wait into perspective. If your reading this THANK YOU secret pal not only for the gifts but also for the encouraging words. I will repeat them often as I wait.