So the rumors are all over the place right now. Kind of unusual this late in the month. RQ Says it is an R3 that the 24th is in but is that also the cut off date for this batch of referrals? Some agencies seem to think it might be. Then there is Spain or the European agencies predictions via their message boards and believe it or not they are still saying possibly some of Decembers LID'S could still be included. I am trying just to stay neutral but it's hard. I am really hoping that they at least refer through November 28 LID'S so that the 7 day trend at least continues. So with all these different rumors swirling around what's a girl to do??? RETAIL THERAPY :)
I ordered these sweet hair clips from Ebay. They have a tiny clip attached. I love that they are crowns. Perfect for my little princess.
They also had this Lovey there today. I had been looking for it since I had seen it at a recent baby shower that I attended. It wasn't there yesterday. Anyways I picked up 2 of them for $4.99 each. The pictures are not that great because my camera will not zoom for some reason. This too is super soft!