The kids loved it although I didn't get to many pictures. The kids were in all directions at once, I did manage a few though, What a great place! We will definitely be back. What a nice group of new friends as well :) **(Sharp viewers may notice that Abby's shoes are on the wrong feet. Yep she put them on her self :) "Abby Do It" :)
Shannon and Ellie came :) Ellie has changed so much. She is not just walking but running! She keeps her mama on her toes and is a little cutie.
Sweet little Elizabeth sharing her animal food with Abby.
Abby and Ellie hugs :)
Feeding the goats.
Abby was all about the swings. That was the main thing she wanted to do. She kept going back to them and in the end I had to pry her off em.
The playground there was great. Everything was perfectly proportioned for Abby and she needed very little help. Just her speed as she is big time in the "Abby do it" phase at the moment.
Sweet little Ellie :_
We had a great time. Thank you Amy for inviting us. Thank you Shannon for coming :) We stayed a couple of hours. Course this was the weekend summer arrived. 90's and hot Sat and Sunday. After the playdate Amy, John and Ava, Shannon and Ellie and Abby and I decided to eat lunch at Cracker Bar*el. No pictures though :( Oh and who knew? Cracker Bar*el has the cutest kids clothes. I was good but there was a certain sunflower dress that I can't stop thinking about. I may have to go back :)