Wow just can't seem to stay with this but am back to try again. My laptop died a while back and I lost all of my pictures that I have taken of Abby since we got back from China. Thankfully the China pictures were saved to a disk but I'm pretty sad about the loss of the others... So I went back to the
beginning of my blog and copied and saved all the pictures from there. There are a lot and up
until the last 6 months of last year I had done a fairly good job of documenting my girls experiences :) Between this blog and my face book pictures most of the pictures will be preserved for our memories. I need to get back to it as the scrap booking I planned to do will likely never happen. I do plan to print each year out in book form at some point :) So where are we now? Busy surviving and living life :) Nothing real exciting lately. We have been in our house a little over a year. I love the house, the neighborhood, we have the best neighbors and lots of kids that Abby has been getting to know now that the long winter is slowly easing up. Unfortunately financially things have been rough. So far we are hanging in there but we are the definition of
house poor right now. It stinks but all the pluses for Abby here are wonderful and she is thriving. So
that's all I have to say about that... Abby's teacher told me she thinks Abby is
kindergarten ready now. She has only been in the P
re K class since January. They said she has mastered the social and learning that she needs. I am just amazed at how bright she is. She loves to learn and just soaks everything up lately. Unfortunately in our state you have to be 5 by September 1st to start
Kindergarten. Abby wont be 5 until November 13. So she will repeat
Pre K. Her teachers said they mix it up differently each year so she should be okay. They did point out though that most of the kids that she is
developmentally caught up with right now will start
Kindergarten in the fall. They hope she wont be bored. .... I feel guilty but I can't afford to pay for a private
Kindergarten so..... hopefully it all works out in the end. We are excited because Abby's China sister and her Mama are coming to visit and stay with us this July! We can't wait to see them again and have the two Abby's together again. As for me just work, sleep and Abby/ house hold
responsibility's right now. I really need to work on some me time... So am figuring out how to make that happen too. The no money thing has been pretty depressing and the pounds have piled on. I need to get back in shape for my girl so I can keep up with her. The couch to 5K is now loaded on my
IPOD and I hope to start this weekend. Finally! China OPEN again to singles??? yes there are restrictions and I have said all a long that I am done unless Mr Right comes along. Lets not even talk about the financial aspect... That said though and how come my heart skipped and leaped when I found out? I have been feeling drawn to adopt again just not sure how. China says the youngest child at home has to be 6 so that gives me a couple years to see what happens. I would love for Abby to have a sibling so I have been checking out the special needs lists lately. Hey a girl can dream right :) And now I give you my Abba working her hula hoop. She has her own style :) She looks so much older and taller in these shots :( The top is actually a 2T dress and the
Capri's are 3T.) Also ignore the bad haircut. We are growing out the bad bang job Mommy gave her hence the extra long pieces here and there (We usually keep them pinned up to the side). Oh and she is sporting stickers on her dimples :)