I'm off to Cancun for 5 days of R&R and to celebrate my buddy Nancy's 40'th Birthday in style along with 4 other close amigo's. Anyone think I will be able to stay away from the intranet the whole time I am gone? With referrals due out soon I am willing to bet not but I am sure going to try! And when I get back the serious nesting begins! Plus it's time to work some overtime. I really have no buisness spending money on this trip instead of putting it towards my adoption however truth is I really need a vacation. I have been so stressed out lately with work and all this messing around with referral waiting times. I have never been to Cancun but I know we will have fun and I would never dream of letting Nancy down either. But once I get back I will be getting busy . That should really help the time pass cause I have a ton of stuff to do so that everything will be just perfect for Miss Abby..........
Gocelo' y tenga mucho margaritas!!!
(I think that first part means have a good time?!! The second part of the sentence needs no explanation!)
Have a wonderful and relaxing time. Drink a margarita for me!
enjoy!!!!!btw-thanks sooo much for the farting trick. i've had three of them doing it for the last 2 days. what comes around goes around-hee hee
oh yeah-see if you can find a crazy cinco de mayo shirt-small
Go! Have a great Time!!!! Be safe!!!!! Don't drink the water!!!!! Don't worry, the cats will be fine. You deserve this. Enjoy it!!!!! Love, your mother!!!
(who kinda wishes she could go too!)
CANCUN? I'm not jealous, unh uh. (Okay yes I am!!!) Hope you're having a great time!!!
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