Hang in there Christopher!!!
My 9 year old nephew (pictured above with sister Erin) and "first baby" was chosen by his school this year to have the honor of attending the 2 week National Scholastic Excellence Program in Chevy Chase Maryland. This is his first trip away from home alone. He has been there since Sunday and having a bit of a hard time. He is kept very busy during the day taking neat classes that he chose beforehand including Greek Mythology and a Leadership class. It's at night after the day is done that he has been getting pretty homesick. Poor baby, he can have phone calls from 9PM until 9:30 PM. I called him tonight to see how it was going and he started crying as soon as he herd my voice. My heart is breaking for him. He is like me, a homebody and says he misses everybody and wants to see us in person. We know this trip will be good for him but I can't stand to think of him alone and hurting. I would appreciate any thoughts, prayers or good wishes anyone wants to send his way. I am really hoping that by this weekend he will have settled in........
That is so sad. How are Chris and Lauie handling it? Heart-breaking... Tell him to write a journal of his entire day so he does not forget a thing. That will take up some of his time. You are a sweet person Miss Jenny.
I second Nancy's suggestion. It will occupy his time at night and when its read at home he may see how much progress he made. It will be a good tool when he goes away again. See Christopher, YOU DID IT. I think I'll be facing this same trauma when Ali goes back to college in a month.
Love, Debbie
He must be a smart cookie to be involved in a program like that. Two weeks away from home at the age of nine is difficult, though.
First off...way to go Nephew. How cool is that, that's he's already being recognized. I'm sure he has a very bright future. I will keep him in my thought and prayers. But how sweet that he still misses home
I was the same way...never wanted to spend the night, I just wanted my mom. What a sweet boy.
What a smart kid! Two weeks is a long time to be away from home- hopefully, he'll hang in there.
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