Missy Girl has a full blown summer cold compliments of day care. It started last Monday and is still going strong. Lots of snot! I swear it's a river and I can't keep up with it. She is not sneezing or coughing any more and no temps but she is just so stuffed up. She sounds like Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. I'm guessing my turn is coming. She also still has those 2 little lumps on the back of her head and a tiny bump on the top of her head where the tick bite was. This after being on Keflex after a week. I am going to call her Pediatricians office tomorrow.
Day care again tomorrow..... I think I dread it more then she does. We made it thru last week. She definitely does better in the afternoon after her nap. I'm hoping that she does better tomorrow. (Fingers crossed) My new job is going well. I am still adjusting to 5 day work weeks but I am loving spending the late afternoons and evenings with my girl :)
Forgot to add that per the picture above, This is how I found her after a too quiet period while I was in her room putting clothes away.
Sorry to hear about the cold.. Hope daycare gets better...
LOVE the picture.. when they are tooo quite that is what happens.. .lol..
Have a Great Day..
Welcome to the world of daycare snot world - don't people say "it helps build immunity" that may be - but it is still YUCKY!
Thank goodness for saline spray - life saver!
This too shall pass!
c & k
Just keep telling yourself Abby's building up her immune system. Emma had cold after the cold the first year of day care. Now she gets like one a year!
Hope your week goes well...
Have the dr. check her for Lyme disease. A few of my extended family members have contracted it, and two were children (the baby didn't have the tell-tale rash).
(Check for Lyme for the tic bite that is)...as for daycare illnesses...hope you all feel better soon! Eliza has been pretty healthy, but we've had the occasional annoying cold. Hope everything is going well otherwise!
LOL! hope she feels better soon. Glenys had a river of snot for 2 years. We only recently got it dried up for much longer periods of time and it still haunts us sometimes.
Hope the tick bite turns out to be nothing.
Priceless picture! Naomi had done this on several occasions - with the toilet paper as well.
Sorry to hear that she as a bad cold. Naomi's been going to daycare since March and I still feel sad when I drop her off.
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