I thought this picture was appropriate today. This is my Mom and I. Not sure how old I am (Mom?) but man I have a big head :) Anyhoo. I am hanging in there. RQ has now moved the rating for a December 8th cutoff to a R4. Apart from an upset stomach since last night (nerves) and occasional chest tightness, I am surprisingly calm. My Mom on the other hand is a wreck. (Deep breaths Mom) I am really praying that this is all true but won't really believe it until I finally have Abby's face in my hands. I emailed my agency and told them that I had heard the cutoff was the 8th and that referrals were starting to arrive. I asked them what to expect. My coordinator replied by telling me that they have not received any referrals yet and that when they did they would go through the info and then notify the families...... No "Hang in there." No "We think your in." and no confirmation from them so that is why I am still cautious. I won't be traveling anywhere today just staying close to my phone and my computer. I want to say again though, A Big Thank You for all of your comments, emails and posts and comments that I am seeing on your blogs! You have made me smile many times :) Now I will go back to surfing for rumors. You will know when I do :)
Between your blog and Crazy about Emily, my heart is racing..How cool is this? hoping you get that call soon..
waiting,lurking, reading
I am still all a-twitter!
Keep smilin!
Let's see, you have on a little smocked dress that I made and I think I remember the size as being 3 to six mos so I would think you were closer to six mos. What do you mean your head was big! You were adorable. xo Mom
I'm so on edge right now. I'm surprised that you are so calm. I wish I could do that!! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for both of us. I hope we hear something soon!
what the heck is a R4?
anyway, still have my fingers and toes crossed!!!!!
I keep checking back to see if there is any news. Hope you know something soon.
I am all nervous, too!!! Can you imagine if this was me??
Keeping my fingers crossed here in Ohio
omgosh how can you stand it.
(and I don`t think you had a big head)
Hanging in with you!!
Yeah!!!!! SO excited and happy for you! It won't be long now mommy!
Adorable pic. Can't wait until it's a pic of Abby on your shoulder that we're looking at!
Hey, I put my guesses for Abby's "stats" in the comment section of the post below. Can't wait to hear the real stats so I can compare my awesome guessing abilities!
I can not wait !!
I am so excited for you !
Keeping our fingers crossed for you!
My guesses- baby girl, 8 months, Jiangxi 12 lbs. CAN'T WAIT!!!!
Found you through iCon....can't wait to see Miss Abby!!!
Keeping fingers crossed for you.
I SO hope you get the call this month! It is time for you and Abby to meet!
Mary P.
I am stalking your blog. Please post the minute you hear anything!
I am on pins and needles for you!!! I will be stalking your blog!!!! :)
I am glad your so calm, I am an absolute mess. I feel so sick I think I am going throw-up. Blech. :-) I was hoping beyond hope that we would get our referrals this week, but it looks like it will be next week. I can't wait to see your baby, and mine, too!!!!!
I'll bet these last few hours of the wait are excrutiating! No wonder your mom is freaking out!
Sending good wishes for some sort of confirmation of the cutoff date very, very soon.
I'm so keeping my fingers crossed for you! ;)
I sure hope you hear something tomorrow. It will be a very long weekend otherwise.
Fingers crossed.
AHHHH!! This is frustrating for me...I do not know how you are getting throught this without throwing things=) It's funny. I was looking at John's monthly USNA Alum magazine today and his classmate posted a picture of his adopted chineese daughter and commented that he and his wife are waiting on another. When I saw it I thought "it's a sign". I think Abby is here! PLEASE let us know xox's The Campbell's
Ahhhh this is so freakin exciting...I am checking RQ and your blog everyday!!!
I can't wait to hear that you've gotten the call! You are so deserving and will be a great mom :) Love ya, Beth
She's commmmmiiinnnnngggg!
I have faith...
You will see ABBY'S picture....
You are going to be a MOMMY SOON...
I can't imagine what it is like for you as I am anxious to hear:) Hang in there...you are doing great! Look forward to seeing you darling Abby's photo.
Love, Randi
Can't wait to see her pic and hear all about how you got The Call.
I'm so excited for you!
Just wanted to let you know that I am LID 12/7/05 and our agency called us today to tell us that we are IN!!! They think referrals will arrive early next week. I'm still hoping for tomorrow, though.
So, here's an early congratulations to both of us!!! :)
OMG! I am so excited for you!!! I have been following your blog forever and I am so excited for it to finally be your turn!!
Can't wait to read all about your happy news - bring it on!
Hang in there!! Know lots and lost of people are sending you good karma right now!
It's looking good girl! Come on referrals!
Omgosh I am so nervous for you. I can't wait to find out
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