Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Random pictures

And yes.... The Papa Fairy will be here when she turns 3. (November) We are prepping for that momentous visit now.
***Clarification***** That would be the Paci Fairy not the Daddy Fairy in case any one is confused :) However..... If there is such a thing as a Daddy Fairy feel free to send her my way :)


Lindsay said...

Oh my goodness, how much has Abby grown between your July and August photos?! Hannah's taken a stretch too. Must be the summer air!

I love the different aspects you've captured in your pictures. In some of them she looks such a big independent girl, and then you see her asleep, or with her dolls and you see the little baby girl who is still there too.

Isn't it a wonderful age?

Kim said...

LOVE the photos..
Abby is growing up sooo fast..
LOVE your hair..
Have a great week..

Carrie (aka Lilly's Mama) said...

I have to laugh at the "Papa Fairy" comment... as my first thought was about daddy's, not pacifiers! Lilly has started telling people that her pretend Daddy works at the airport. Arrggghh. Wish there was a Perfect Man Fairy! As for teh mother had to bribe me - and I was more than twice Abby's age by then! Embarassing but true!

Sherry Mc said...

Too bad you can make the pacifiers wear away like I did with your blankee (cut a piece off everytime I washed it). Great photos. They do reflect the many moods of Abby, well most of them. xo Mom/Meema

daisy said...

great pictures! I picked up a copy this week of the book, "Every Year ... On your Birthday written by the woman who wrote, "lOve You More Than Crazycakes? Original Aunt Laurie

kitchu said...

random cuteness!!