My congratulations to everyone who finally received their referral. :D For the rest of us this is really not good news. This represents the placement of children who's families were logged in with the CCAA from dates June 6 through June 14. Factor in the weekend days and that's 7 measly days worth of referrals. (If I am reading the documents processing update correctly) A stork sighting has also been reported on several of my Adopt China Yahoo message boards. (Meaning families logged in within this time frame should expect to get "The Call" announcing their referral in the very near future. As always as these anticipated referrals approach rumors abound the boards. They are not good ones either. Evidently people out there now have reported that their agencies are telling them that the wait from log in date to referral may well extend to 18 months! Remember it was a 6 to 7 months wait when I started the process. My agency refuses to speculate as to how long the referral wait will be and will only admit to what the wait currently is. (Around 12 months!) This wait is certain to extend if the CCAA does in fact continue to issue referrals in week long increments. Just supposing that this is the way it will be. June 7 will mark the 6 month wait point for me. (I was logged in December 7, 2005) Assuming that it continues to take approximately 3 to 4 months for the CCAA to get through 1 months worth of referrals for people logged in within that month...... I may not receive Abbys referral for another 18 to 24 months! There are people out there who say the CCAA does not want the referral wait period to get that long. Things will need to really speed up in order for that not to happen. I am pretty sad about this situation. Again its the no information given as to explain why this is happening that is killing me. The glow that I had when I started this process has dimmed greatly. I have gained weight, become depressed and am terribly cranky as well. Just wishing the answer why would present itself. I am not alone though. Nobodies agency is really giving out any reasons and The CCAA has not issued any statements regarding the obvious delay either. Maybe if I stop buying the "Lucky Bamboo" plants that I just can't seem to keep alive things will get better? And so I wait...........................
"Hugs" Jenny - it's a frustrating process that's for sure. My agency is still sticking to the 11 month wait but issued a statement saying no one knows what is going on at CCAA so no point in speculating. I think the translation was they don't know anymore than we do!
hang in there aunt jen jen. i know the wait and uncertainty are excruciating, but don't lose site of the reality of whats waiting for you-your abby. take a breath...step out of the situation for a bit...refocus and enjoy life for a while. the wait will be what it will be whether you're miserable or happy. don't punish yourself for something that's totally out of you control. remember, although it does not seem like it now, time flys(just look at your nephew and neice for evidence of that!). When you finally are holding on to abby, this will all be a distant memory-like childbirth, you'll forget about the pain. we love you-laurie,chris,christopher,&erin
Oh Jenny, I know this is not the news you wanted to hear but it can be a positive one as well...You can have an awesome time working at Riverside; making that high powered salary to afford a nanny or anything you want for Abby:) Hey everyone loves you and is praying that the wait will be shorter and at least tolerable for you. We dont want you to forget that perfect gift is coming!
Maybe Abby and Elena can share that Nanny? With my high-powered teacher salary matched with yours we might be able to afford Mary Poppins. Well...maybe the video at least... =) Stay strong!
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