Dancing with the stars

I love this show! It has really helped the last several weeks pass by faster since I had Tuesdays and Wednesdays to anticipate. From the get go Mario has always been my favorite. (My TV boyfriend :D) As the weeks have gone by though I have become torn. Mario besides being so cute (dimples and all) is very good. Emmitt on the other hand has really come into his own this last few weeks. He also seems so genuine. I think it is going to be darn close but my gut feeling is that Emmitt is going to win. Time will tell.......
That's a fun show, isn't it? It does help to have weekly shows to pass the time. I'm bummed because LOST is taking a couple months off - what will I do without LOST? My TiVo will hardly have anything on it for me at the end of the week. :-(
Wow...that has to be quite the spot to be in. They should have those guys dance with each other...then we'd have some competition on grace ;0)
I think I want Emmitt! Hard Choice.
Hey Jenny, did you get my email on the header stuff? Having some email issues, my work email said that your email wouldn't accept it so I sent it from my msn account and have my fingers crossed. Wierd! Stephe
I'm such a Mario fan. I only watch the show once in a while, but I remember watching him when I was a teenager. How can you turn down those dimples
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