Yahoo!!!! The site changed and I am in :):):):) I checked RQ around 8PM and they were talking in the forum about how the site might change tonight. They said AM C*C*A*A time would be around 8 or 9PM and hoped the change would happen then. I decided I would go paint Abby's closet then would come back and check. At 10:00PM there it was! Then I went to my blog and saw all your comments telling me as well :) Thank you!! How will I sleep tonight? I am so glad they let me off tomorrow. I now know there is no way I would be able to function. It feels like there is a hamster wheel turning inside my stomach. I'm all cranked up, I feel like I could run a race or that I need to just go out and yell Thank You :) I took two Tylenol PM so hopefully that will kick in soon. I promise I will Post her picture as soon as I can. Thank you everybody :)
oh my goodness.... so exciting....
so glad you're off tomorrow. i'll be home all day if you want to talk.
love you.
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! You're innnnnn!!! Wahoo!
Will be checking your site constantly tomorrow. For some reason I have 8 months bopping around my head. Wonder how old your precious Abby will be?
Congrats mommy!!!
Your red thread isn't so invisible anymore, it is? This is crazy exciting! I know your life is about to change forever and you are so ready! I can't wait to see Abby's face and see how old she is. I'll keep watching here for news tomorrow.
Hi - I linked her from Tate-R-Bug's site and congratulations to you... You're IN!
Congratulations!!! I can't wait to see your referral photos!!! Isn't this the greatest feeling in the world???!!!!
LID 12/7/05 TOO (for Hope)
I just got back from the hospital we are going up tonight with EPIC and thought I would check on you !
Great news.....
That's awesome Jenny! Congratulations! I can't wait to see Abby's picture!
Lisa (Shayla's Mom) - Back from China 9/20/07
I can not wait...
I will be waiting tomorrow...
I am sooooo happy for you girl...
Can you hardly believe it??? We're in!!!
I'm very envious that you're off work today. Due to a big problem that came up over the weekend there's no way I can take the day off - but I have a feeling the productivity will be waaaayyyyyy down today.
Counting down the minutes for both of us!! I can't wait to see Abby's photo!
I have been a lurker in your blog for a while I just wanted to say
I will keep checking
you will finaly know
who your angle is
Hope you were able to sleep. I lost sleep excited about the anticipation of your referral! LOL! Can't imagine what I'll be like when my time rolls around.
Counting down the hours with YOU!
Woo-hoo.....can't wait to see Abby's sweet face! ;)
OMG, so exciting!!!!
AHHHHHH, I just checked RQ and came straight over....a Huge Congrats.!!!!!!!
Can't wait to hear more details and see pics.
So glad to see you time has finally come!
Congratulations Mama!!! I'm so happy for you...can't wait to see Abby's sweet face.
Delurking to say CONGRATS!!!!
Enjoy your referral day.
Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is just so exciting, jenny!!!! I am so happy for you!
I saw that last night before I went to bed. So excited for you. Can't wait to see pictures of your precious Angel. Congrats mommy!
Oh my! I've found your blog on the right day, huh?!?! Can't wait to hear your news!
Marla, mom of 4 in Texas, including 2 cuties from China
I am up and doing laundry and waiting to see Abby's sweet little face...
Make sure you soak in every second of this. This time will never be topped by another moment in your life. I feel slight envy because I know what you are about to experience. Congrats!!! I am so happy for you!!!
I'm so very excited for you! Woo hoo!
It is your time!!
All excited for you.
Keep smilin!
Yahoooooooo This is SO exciting Jenny!!!!! We are all waiting to see that picture. I am so darn happy for you=)
I popped over from Kris's Blog to say Congratulations! This will be one of the BEST MOMENTS.
I've had 2 of them...it will be so awesome.
Please remember too, that your baby will be WAY CUTER & MORE PRECIOUS in person than any referral picture could ever capture. My oldest daughter had one of the worst referral pics, but she is a a treasure beyond words (& gorgeous too)!!!
Debby..mom to Lindsi (5) & Jami (2)
WOO-hoo! I'm so thrilled for you...can't wait to see your daughter this week!
I'm guessing 9.5 months. Is there a prize if anybody guesses right??? ;)
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