And now it's 19. I said I would not speculate and I'm trying not to. I don't think My Abby will be in my arms until after the New Year is here. I'm not counting on it. Really I'm not. So how come I am still hoping that she might be or could be??? It's a nagging feeling that I can't shake. A feeling of it could be possible..... I'm letting myself think it could happen sooner then it probably will. I think it will be close and could go either way. There I go again speculating! I don't want to, I don't want any more disappointments. Even though I know it's likely I can't
just let myself believe I will meet her next year. I know... I am going to be sorry... My hopes will end up being dashed.
Hope is a wonderful thing and with all the unknowns of this wonderful (long) journey we're on, sometimes it's that hope that gets us through a long day. It would be so nice for you to have Abby in your arms for Christmas. We're hoping and praying for you that this happens too so hold onto this hope!
Congrats on being 19 months closer to your precious daughter! You are SO close!!!
I can't wait to give your 19 month pregnant, fabulous self a hug in a few weeks!
Wow, 19 months. You are really close. Catherine is right, hope is a wonderful thing. I really think you'll have a September referral. Hang on and keep hoping!
19!!!!!!!! Holy poop. Hope it's not much longer.
It's called hope...it keeps us going. I thrive on the stuff as most of us waiting mamas do.
Hugs to you, it has been one long haul.
happy 19 jenny! just remember you're one month closer to abby!
Anything is possible!
Happy 19 months!
You will have her soon...
Keep your chin up.. we are all here for you..
Have a GREAT weekend.
Just a little longer and you will see your beautiful Abby. I have always had those moments too, but think of how far you have already come...you WILL see her soon! Happy 19!
LID 11/21/05
Happy 19 months down! You are getting close to the finish line!
Until Abby's in your arms hope is all you have...so keep on hoping.
Happy 19months!
happy 19 months!
Soooo gotta have hope! But whether you are united in late 2007 or early 2008...it's gonna happen!! Your Abby will be in your arms!
Hopefully the remainder of your wait will go by fast...it won't be long now!!!
Came home last night to find two fortune cookies on the counter. Opened one as me and one for you. Yours said "your patience has the ability to test even the sands of time". She's coming to us before Christmas. I just know, that's why. xo Mom
Congrats on 19. Hey can your mom get me one of those fortune cookies?? Anyway just keep hanging in and try to keep the retail therapy to a minimum.
You are so close... hang in there... I can't help but hope it will be sooner too.
God's Speed
I'm pretty close to being where you are. I'm later in December though, so I am pretty sure (80%) that I won't get to see our daughter's face until January. It's been so disappointing to keep guestamating but I am wanting to hold out hope and believe in some sort of miracle. (sigh).
Ohhhhhh, you've come such a long way. It gets harder toward the end, doesn't it. You have your whole life with Abby ahead of you and it's going to be more than you ever hoped or dreamed of. Can't wait for your referral!
Happy 19th LID. Not much longer now!!!
Happy 19th LID-iversary...I am thinking you will be getting an October referral and have Abby home just in time for the holidays!
Happy 19! The end is close. I feel that. It is dreadfully hard to allow ourselves to feel hope and have faith. Take it one step at a time and I know that you will make it. HUGS!
Keep smilin!
You are 19 months closer than a lot of people! You're near the front of the line! We're thinking about starting again... soooo long to wait! Hang in there!
You can't stop hoping, you just can't!!! It's what gets us all through this horrendous wait. You never know, you may meet your little peanut before you expect and won't that be a wonderful surprise. Happy 19th!!!
Congrats on 19! Hey it could be worse....you could be at 16 like me! I still think there is good chance that you will go this year...it's the never ending optimistic in me! Nonetheless, you are so close! Congrats!
Hang in there...you WILL have Miss Abby in your arms and hopefully sooner than you think :)
Ahhh, Jenny. My heart hurts for you. Waiting 19 months with no easy end in sight is horrible on a person.
You're so darn close! Come on CCAA, hurry it up, will ya? Abby needs her Mama!
Jenny, I have been looking back on your blog and am so excited that this LONG 18 months seems to be narrowing. We are in your corner rooting for you. I know Abby will be here soon! You are both in our prayers. Love ya.
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