Somebody who shall be nameless had not one but two baths tonight! At the risk of TMI I'll just say that bath number two was in the sink while the tub was undergoing a deep cleaning. Nuff said! Anyhoo. Check out my little peanut. She still fits in the sink. All 24.8 pounds of her:) The first two photos were taken when we first got home.....

This last photo is from tonight. As you can see there is alot less room in the sink now:)
What a cutie! Sorry about the tub, tho. Can't tell ya how many times we've had to decontaminate ours. ;)
she has grown so much. and is so much cuter. i miss u guys so much luv u.
I can't imagine what happened in the real bath tub?!
That last photo is so cute...what a doll!
cute cute.
OMW.....she is so cute....
Abby is soooo darn cute..
Have a Great WEek...
Oh boy. I remember the sink baths. Abby is so cute...sorry about the "tub accident" we all have those :)
what a perfect way to record and show off her growth, ( not the way it happened however, I remember those days! "OL" Daisy
What a cutie! Just checking in on you all we've been out of the loop since we moved to China a month ago. I feel like I can relieve a little of our past reading through the posts as your Abby changes and develops. I can relate to all your mommy thoughts too. Even though my Abbey is 3 I put a "leash" thing on her on our way over here and a few times in crowded places. Never thought I would do that but keeping her safe and with me is the most important thing. Hugs to you all!
Those pictures are precious. And you're right! Your sink appears to be shrinking! :)
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