No flames please. Seriously I never thought I would be the type to put my child on a leash. Shopping with Abby these days has become a challenge. At the Grocery store she is only willing to ride in the cart for a short while before she wants to get out. (That's if I was even able to coax her in the cart to begin with) I can't bribe her with food anymore either. If I don't let her down then it becomes a scream fest. Once down she will stay with me for a while but then she runs. She thinks it's a game and let me tell you my girl is FAST! She will be 3 isles over sometimes before I catch her (laughing away) and meanwhile my purse is left unattended. Since I really don't have the option of shopping alone, I had to resort to this purchase. I tried it out last night at home. She thought it was great fun and kept saying more every time I let go of the tail (leash). We just tried it out a Kmart. I was expecting but didn't see anyone give us any looks. She thought the whole thing was a game so hey what ever works :) It beats the heck out of letting people see me clumsily chase my daughter through the store:)
Ha Ha! I've been looking for one to buy too! Don't care what anyone thinks - once they get to that stage of wanting to walk instead of riding, it's the safe option.
If it works.. it is okay..
Have a Great Week..
My nephew Colin has been on that same leash since he was 18 months old. The kid MOVES man! Weird none of his 4 siblings ever needed one- but without it, he would be GONE.
I used these with T when she was at this age. She started walking at 12 mo and I used it for QUITE while for a long time thereafter. As I single mom, with a bad back as well, it was a life-saver. I also credit it with saving my sanity. Great in real crowded places like disney. Screw any else who says otherwise!
btw, I always thought that they would make a mint if they made a black or pink french poodle...something more girly than the bear and doggie.
also btw...they survive the washer and dryer with ease.
Safety before anything else.
No Flames here - we used it in at Downtown disney - worked like a charm - did kinda feel like "heel...ait stay" but I felt sooo much more secure (and enjoyed myself) alot more with it on her - and she loved it....
I have always told K she has 2 choices : 1 sit iin the top of the basket or 2 sit in the big part (since she is bigger ) or she can sit in one and scream - but it was not up for discussion - Also when we go after work/school - I get her popcorn chicken and that keeps her busy for 80% of the store - then hold the cookie for ransom - ie if you are good (no screaming/kicking etc) you get a cookie - and yep we have left alot of times without it - but now she jsut puts her head on my purse and chills (ie rests) while I shop...
good Luck!
No Flames here - we used it in at Downtown disney - worked like a charm - did kinda feel like "heel...ait stay" but I felt sooo much more secure (and enjoyed myself) alot more with it on her - and she loved it....
I have always told K she has 2 choices : 1 sit iin the top of the basket or 2 sit in the big part (since she is bigger ) or she can sit in one and scream - but it was not up for discussion - Also when we go after work/school - I get her popcorn chicken and that keeps her busy for 80% of the store - then hold the cookie for ransom - ie if you are good (no screaming/kicking etc) you get a cookie - and yep we have left alot of times without it - but now she jsut puts her head on my purse and chills (ie rests) while I shop...
good Luck!
I have a feeling I'm going to be looking for one of those in the not too distant future...
Anne :)
When my kids were young(40 Yrs ago) we had carriage straps that went on the baby like a harness and had 2 straps you hooked into the sides of the carriage. When you took them out of the carriage you could hold the straps so they could not run away. My daughter said when she was older I put her on a lease like a dog. I said I loved my baby too much to let her get lost... When I had my 1st grand daughter I found one that was like a little purse you put around her waist and it had straps. When she came to visit and we went in crowded areas I put it on her with goldfish crackers in the purse and she loved it. My daughter now agrees it is a good thing and if I find another one I will buy it for her Lauren... Keep on loving that child and protecting her the way you should no matter what anyone thnks...Linda
Don't fret about it, I am British and in Britain it's really a popular thing to do ..loads of people use what we call "reins".
I used them for Thomas and zoe, you never want to lose your child..you never know what might happen.
I used to think they were mean but my nephew has taught me its better to be have a safe child then worry about what other people think...
\we dont even have a referral and I think Lynnmarie will need one.
It's better than letting her run loose or get lost in the store!
You have to do what works for you. Its safer than letting her run around without it.
I stopped carrying a purse when I have Natalie with me. A little cash, my CC and my DL and I am good to go. I even leave the diaper bag in the car now. I just don't know when she'll want to run around and pitch a fit if I don't let her. She is a lot like Abby I think!
I also have that leash, I've not broken it out of the package yet but very very soon it will be a part of every shopping trip!
This is your aunt Laurie checking in, I read often but seldom respond do to fatigue! When you were very little you did not like walking holding my hand. Think about it, try walking around with your hand held up in the air! I can't remember if you used one but I became convinced with you they were a good item. Also, I am not chasing a toddler, but my mind wanders and I will walk away from my grocery cart. I now only shop using a fanny pack or my wallet which is on a shoulder strap. Much less stressful, you don't need to carry a whole purse in the store even with a baby. When I taught three years olds in Binghamton somehow i ended up after a field trip having to bring four active little boys home on the city bus by myself. I went into a shop where I had ordered something for your uncle, as I paid for it, I asked if they had any rope, they gave me some, I tied them all together and they absolutely LOVED it! Thetrip home was safe and uneventful. You have a beautiful strong willed little girl, love her and cherish her, but don't relinquish the reins, you are mommy, help her to grow up to be strong and confident not feeling like the world owes her. Love Aunt Laurie Daisy
I think anyway a single momma can manage a child is sooooo worth if. I someone flames, tell them to come watch Abby while you shop ALONE.
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