Thursday, February 01, 2007


Referrals arrived today! I am happy for all of the parents who finally had their dreams come true today. It has been a long wait for all of us. It appears the cut off date for this batch of referrals was October 13th. Not exactly the best case scenario for me but it could have been worse. I am thinking that I probably have at least 5 more months before the CCAA reaches December LIDS. Please pray that things speed up and it doesn't take that long.......


Anonymous said...

5 mos to cover 53 days? Don't think so. I think things will speed up a little now that all the hullabaloo about the new changes. Which means you guys (you and Da) better think about your shots. Keep smiling. Your day is coming. Love you, mom

C's Mom said...

I'm hoping for 4 or less for ya....hoping, hoping, hoping! as we know it. said...

Hoping things speed up for you, I am hoping to be in the batch after next but you never know!